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Kalyn Lord's Sample Killah!

I signed up to participate in Kalyn Lord's Sample Killah!  In short, the goal is to destroy as many samples as possible.

I don't know about you, but I have samples on samples on samples hidden all over my beauty collection.  I normally reach for my full sized products rather than my minis, and then my minis stack up and take over my drawers.  I am really excited to make a dent in them!

Welcome to a selection of my sample collection!

My goal is to "kill" 100 samples.  So far I am at 7.  I will be posting every Tuesday with my progress update where I hope to be able to report in that I have destroyed 25 foil samples.  I will be commenting on each item "Purchase" or "No purchase" along with any other comments I may have.  I hope that by "shopping my stash" of samples I will be able to find a few new things to fall in love with!

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