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Seche Vite Top Coat

For a long time I've wanted this product (isn't that always the way) ... everyone seemed to have it. It was their staple, the 'it' product, that did not ... would not chip - making manicures last for a week ... something I dreamed of.

You see when I apply my polish ... avoid my cuticles, wait until each coat is dry and then apply my top coat ...I hope and pray that it will last the night, let alone the morning. Now there are reasons why my manicures don't last for ease of reading I'll list them

- I wash my hands a lot
- I like to shower/bathe in super hot water for a good while
- I wash dishes with my bare hands (yep I is gangstah - hangs head in shame)
- I do my manicure late in the evening and they get spoilt by my sheets (creased nails .. not a good look) so I waste time in the morning removing it ... (ugh)
- I'm clumsy and use my nails as tools ... (double shame ...)

Ok now that's out of the way ... I have at time reconciled my bad ways (listed above) and really tried to angelically take care of my hands ... especially after purchasing this nail polish ... so ... what were the results?

This polish dried in super timing and made my nail polish touchable, although not perfectly dry I could comfortable relax my fingers instead of spreading them out like a toads foot (you know you do that .. too). It seemed to work ... but I was curious ... after a few searches on the internet I found that folks had found a problem with this nail polish ... but since my manicure was super shiny and dry I figured that they had maybe used it wrong ... or their woe was with something else ...

Until ... it happened to me.

It was a normal day like any other, I was busy trying to find my keys and bus fare eager to get out of the door into the stale fresh air of a monotonous Monday morning. My hand plunged into the rubble of old papers, product bottles and books and found all that I was looking for. I smiled but my eyes noticed something ... my nail polish had chipped. I grunted ... it didn't work.

Ah but that was not the end of my tale ... as through my daily activities something more woeful happened. Something that had never happened before ... my whole nail polish came off ... in a cast like form of my finger - to say I was embarrassed would be a gross understatement. Thankfully those who noticed didn't pay any mind or at least they didn't show it. So in the long winded way   ...

This top coat can cause your nail polish to not just chip, peel or crack but come completely off leaving all your finger naked and you left with a semi 'home-made' false nail.


I will continue to use this, maybe I used it wrong but after such experiences (happened twice, different manicure each time, on several nails) I think I'll look for another top coat with a less dramatic ending when it decides to break free from my nails.

As usual ... I'll update if my feelings change + when/if I finish it.

So in essence is Seche Vite Dry Fast worth the hype? Currently at the moment, no it is definitely not.

What are your thoughts ... is Seche Vite your go to top coat? ... or do you have  something better? I would love to hear about the ways you make your nail polish last longer, is it the top coat you use or do you have good handy habits?  Your comments are always appreciated :o) 

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