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My First Encounter with Makeup Revolution!


I honestly can't remember the last time I was this excited about a Make Up Launch. Even when Illamasqua come out with a new range, there'll be one or two things I'm eager to try, but the rest will be a bit 'meh'. It does seem at the moment we're being hit by wave after wave of neutrals. For me, neutrals are a bit like a dial-tone. You pick up the phone and hear the dial-tone, it's nothing to get excited about but it's always there. And seeing as most new product lines are packed full of these inoffensive neutrals, I rarely get too flustered about their release.

Then out of the blue, a couple of days ago Liloo sent me a late night tweet about Makeup Revolution. 

As it was so late, I was already in bed but I thought I may aswell have a look at the link she sent me and OMG, immediately my mind was blown. The variety of shades on offer is just unreal and the prices were so ridiculously low I had to rub my eyes a few times just to make sure I was reading this right: 12 Colour Palettes at £4 and Lipsticks for £1. Naturally, I put off going to sleep for a bit and placed an order there and then!

Ét Voila:


An explosion of colour!

The two large palettes are 'Matte Brights' and 'Acid Brights'. They are both really bright and I envisage plenty of fun experimenting with them. 

Let's take a closer look: 

 DSC_5096 DSC_5104 

The Full Scandalous Lipstick collection

(L - R) Scandalous Felony, Scandalous Depraved, Scandalous Immoral, Scandalous Vice, Scandalous Crime

These lipsticks were advertised on the website at just £1, so being the absolute lipstick whore that I am, I bought the lot. At the time I was thinking: 'They're giving this stuff away!'  and later when I got to the cart I realised that, quite literally, they were, if you purchase the entire lipstick range, they give you one of them free. So these 5 cost £4, not £5!

The colours remind me a lot of Lime Crime, I did a post on one of their lipsticks some time ago mentioning how amazing it was, but because they're so expensive and inaccessible I've always been on the lookout for alternatives. It looks like Revolution could well be that alternative, I've not tried them all yet, but as I'm a complete sucker for unorthodox lipsticks, I'm seriously looking forward to!

The Full Vamp Lipstick Collection

(L - R) Black Heart, Rebel With a Cause, 100% Vamp

Not quite as bright or bold as the Scandalous collection but these were also £1 each. Why not? And anyway, another fab offer when purchasing the whole collection means you get 1 free so in total £2! (By this time I'd passed out on the bed due to a mixture of elation and disbelief!)


The Full Scandalous Eyeshadow Collection 

(T - B) Get Ready!, Acid!, Go!, Rave All Night

Guess how much these cost? Yes, that's right. £1. There are actually 5 shadows in the collection, but the pink one was missing from my order so I'll have to get on to them about that. Again though, if you purchase the whole collection you (should) get one of them free.

I have to say, shopping on the Revolution website was a bit like shopping at a brand new, exotic make up counter in Poundland. I'm looking forward to finding out about the actual quality of these products though. The entire haul came in at just £20, including delivery. The order was placed on Tuesday and it arrived through the door on Thursday. I honestly don't know how they'll manage to stay in business!

As you may have gathered from the mugshot at the beginning of the post, I've already started playing around with some of the palettes and lipsticks. Below are the products I used to acheive the above look:


Scandalous Vice


This lipstick is bang on tangerine, the formula is quite creamy and leaves a glossy finish. It appears quite sheer on me, giving the appearance of an orangey hue on the lips, but not quite full-on orange. In order for this to work on my lips, I lined and coloured in my lips with an orange lip liner from Barry M.

The longevity isn't great, I felt I needed to top up my colour every few hours. Priced at a £1, you can't really complain too much though. I'm not a huge fan of glossy lips either, so in order to get the matte effect I used the old school technique of blotting the lips with tissue paper and applying translucent powder on top. 



This appears as an electrifyingly bright neon green in the pan however it does lose a little bit of its edge when transferred on to the eyes. The finish is very matte, and with a little help from a primer, it lasts all day. It does appear quite chalky at first, however as you layer it on in pursuit of the neon green look that chalkiness begins to fade. The pigmentation definitely isn't as strong as something like Urban Decay but packing this stuff on at least brings you close. For £1, there's no complaints from me!

Cue Mugshots

 DSC_5384 DSC_5369 

I definitely do not regret this haul whatsoever, for just £20 I've bagged myself quite a wide range of shades for both my lips and eyes. This brand is what MUA should have been, there's just so much to choose from, there's bound to be something for everyone. 

The great thing about this brand is it should make bright and bold colours much more accessible, currently you have to go a long way to find something out there like this, and even then it's often a bit pricey. I believe Makeup Revolution will be hitting Superdrug stands on April 9th, here's hoping this really is the beginning of a revolution, make up style!

Have you tried Makeup Revolution yet? 

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