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Dr Jamal Nassar calls for the outlawing of Berber flag in Algeria and country falls to the brink

   Dave Berkson
   Democracy si still waiting in Algeria after months of long time senile dictator Abdelaziz Bouteflicka resigned like we said he would. The Algerian government forces and military leadership are desperately trying to suppress the fact that native Berbers are expressing their heritage and identity much to the dismay of Arab supremacists far and a wide including radical Central Illinois professor and the hated Dr Jamal Nassar a thorn on my side in my ten yea political Science PHD attempt . I have been calling for the full democratization Algeria and this North African country for years as this country and the Berbers have really never been free following their brutal campaign to end French
colonialism and Dr Nassar says that recent attempts to suppress the Berber flag and full representation and equality of these people in North Africa is something that should be suppressed.  Dr Jamal Nassar called the Berber flag racist on par with the NAZI and Confederate flag and that it is anti-Arab and separatism and a smack of the face to Arab unity and Algerian self-confidence.
Dr Nassar says the flag is anti-American,anti-democratic, and anti-Algerian and he says these Algerian protests and mass arrests of Berbers carrying the flag are all mean t by the West and Israel to distract people from the real issues and this is the fact that Palestinian terrorists are living in open air prisons denied by a wall to penetrate and cause acts of destruction in the Jewish state.
Algeria has been rocked by protest as there virtually no leadership or elections in the forth coming and as I tried to bring this up as Dr Nassar wnrt on another one hour discussion of the Palestinian issue he called me out and called security to have me removed  showing himself every bit the authoritarian as Algerian head of chief General Gaid Salah who has ordered anyone carrying the Berber nationalist flag to be immediately arrested and deported to a Turkish prison. There is no room for debate or discussion of Middle east politics aside form Dr Nassar's propaganda and turmoil of toxic poison only concentrating of the Israeli -Palstianain issue and only allowing one viewpoint of it in our academic classes.

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