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The Apocalypse Is Coming!; or: Vermont. Vermont.

You know the apocalypse that's supposed to wipe out the human race? Well, it's closer now than it has ever been. Evidence? Hot off the heels of Iowa's decision to allow same-sex marriage, Vermont now makes super-gay headlines today. According to Reuters:

Vermont legalized gay marriage on Tuesday after lawmakers overrode a veto from the governor by a wafer-thin margin, making the New England state the fourth in the United States where gays can wed.

The vote, nine years after Vermont was first in the United States to adopt a same-sex civil-union law, also makes the tiny state of 624,000 people the first in the nation to introduce gay marriage through legislative action instead of the courts.

Read the entire article here.

By the way, following up on my post, "The Bachelor, Bamboo Nation Style," my dear readers have chosen this hot bachelor (with 37% of the vote, as of this writing) to be my Iowa mate (I need one in every state!):

Of course you all chose the guy who was the most naked. Dirty pervs!

But now that we're talking about Vermont, I did some research online to see what that state has to offer, and Cosmopolitan insists that this dude is Vermont's hottest bachelor:

Um...I'll take two please!

Here's his profile. Seriously:

Occupation: Engineer
In the words of the female friend who nominated him: "Chris has huge charm and an unforgettable smile."
Three must-haves: "Cars, motorcycles, and airplanes"
Family guy: "A friend once told me that I'd be a good father. That meant a lot."
Fave female body part: "Her butt."
Ideal first date: "Going for a ride on my motorcycle. The faster I go, the tighter she hangs on."
His sweet spots: "My nipples"
Hottest girl getup: "Black lingerie"
What confuses him about women: "Why girls tend to gossip and spend so much time talking about other people!"
Can a guy and a girl just be friends? "Only if they're both in relationships!"

I would like to get to know his "huge charm."

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