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Irish YouTube & Bloggers Meet Up in Cork Ireland

Picture taken at Cork Train Station :) 
Hey My Beauties.  How are you all doing :) 
If you follow me on facebook you would have known by now that on the May Bank Holiday weekend I went to an Irish Youtube & Bloggers Meet up in Cork City Ireland (which was my first time in Cork and first night away from my babies might i Add) I was going to meet up with some of the girls i met up with in the Previous Meet up in Dublin  and i was also getting a chance to meet up with some who could not make it last time.  EXCITING!!!!!!
So i decided to being my sister along as she has been planning on starting her own blog up but needs a little boost (not that im enough lol) but the experience of chatting with other bloggers and meet up might give her an extra boost and of course to give her a break normal life too lol .
So we headed of on Saturday for out 4 - 5 hours journey to Cork.  First getting the bus to Dublin then getting the train.  We were late for the train but it actually worked out for the best as we realised we were then taking the same train as another youtuber/blogger Sarah aka Adoreabubbles.   She is lovely as i had met her before and always chatting to her.  
This is ourselves on the train :) 
So we set on our journey to Cork which surprisingly went by very quick (must of been my superb company eh girls hehehehe) ah no all 3 of us have the same personality so we had great chats and laughs :) :) 
So we arrived in Cork and went our separate ways as my sister and I were staying in different accommodation.  We couldnt wait to see our accommodation as i booked an apartment so that another blogger Megan Rose could stay with us :)  She was arriving a few hours after we were. The place we were staying in was Called The Killarney Lodge and we got a lovely welcome.  We were well impressed with the apartment too it was so homely and comfy we were thrilled 
You like my photo work :) 
Sooooooo Dinner was not until 9 oclock so Sarah (my sister) and I decided to go into the City which was only 5 minutes away from us for a browse :)  We took a look at some shops including Debenhams :) :) where i seen a stall that i just couldnt pass as it had an item on it thats been on my wishlist for like forever.  It was the Urban decay counter and there infront of me as the NAKED PALETTE 1 awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Then my sister came out with this amazing idea "Nina Why dont we go halves for the naked palette" i could have jumped on her she made sense though as i mostly do her makeup for her and she said it would be great to have one expensive makeup product to my collection lol.  So i agreed yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee We own the Naked Palette !!!!!!!!!!!! I couldnt believe it !!!!!! 
So Sarah (adoreabubbles) and Lauren Marie Walsh another blogger met up with us in the Store but i didnt get much time with Lauren as she had to go :( maybe next time Lauren but she seemed lovely :)  
Sarah(adoreabubbles), Lauren and myself :) 
Nails of the night 
So time was ticking and we had to get back to get ready.  When we arrived the Lovely Megan was there and she was just as lovely in person as she was on her blog it was my first time meeting her and we got on so well.  We all got ready and headed to meet the other youtubers/bloggers who were already in the town.  
We were meeting up in Soho Restraint which i have to say looked amazing at night.  Our table was ready and we all sat delighted we were finally together to chat.  It was amazing seeing everyone in front of me and i have to say meeting Sineady Cady aka The Makeup Chair for the 1st time was like a dream as she was one of the 1st Irish beauty gurus i had started watching and i love her channel/ blog and chats with her online but seeing her in person was brilliant she is just as beautiful inside and out!!!!!!!!
All the ladies looked amazing and i mean amazing!!!!!!! Their outfits were to die for :) 
We were all given goodie bags which was exciting i will do a haul on what i got in it on a video :) 
All of us waiting for our food :) 
My lovely meal :) 
Sarahs (my sisters)  lovely meal 

Sarah (my sister) and I 

So after our meal we went to Long Island Cocktail Bar  and ordered a crazy frozen strawberry Cocktail which contained a WHOOOOOLE lotta hair rising alcohol in it lol 
The experience was sort of remember able to be honest we couldnt really hear each other because of the booming music and crazy dancers lol but it was nice.  

Some of the lovely ladies decided the night was over for them we said out goodbyes and some of us went to another place called The Bailey Bar which was more spacious and better music but after a half hour the night was over for us too :) :) 
The next day Myself and Sarah checked out and met with Sarah (adoreabubbles) and hit the shops that were open :) the one shop i just had to hit was the one and only Penneys which i spent an absolute fortune hehehehe but its everything i needed i promise!!!! I will do a haul on what i got from there too.  
We spent a couple of hours with the lovely Jen (who i think is crazy in a good way of course lol ) and then headed to the train station for our journey home 
Both my sister and I had the most amazing time in Cork its such a beautiful place and its such a pity we had no time to see the site etc.  So little time for such a big City but from what we experienced we would definately go again.  We had a brilliant time with all the beauiful ladies and they are all just as amazing in person as they are on their channels and blogsWe all have so much in common and get on so well and im proud to call them my friends 
To see more photos check out my facebook page :) :) I really cant wait for the next meet up :) 

Here is the links to all the girls channels and blogs :) If you dont know them already you gotta check them out they are amazing :) 

Check out Sineads aka themakeupchairs video on the event:
Check out Sarahs aka Adoreabubbles video on the event: 

Im sorry the links came out a different colour i dont know why they are turning out like that but hey they still work :) :) 

So thats it for today.  I hope you enjoyed this :) :) 
Keep an eye out for my Penneys haul which i will link here when i have it done :) and of course my goody bag haul :) 
Until next time 
Take Care 
Nina C

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