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Coffee and Achilles.

Since I've gotten so many views and comments on my first blog already (zero), I figured I'd start on number two.

I'm currently sitting in a coffee shop, on my laptop along with all the other amateur writers and over eager college kids. How chic and douche-baggie am I?! maybe not so chic, considering I biked here with my POS Acer laptop shoved into a free Vancouver film school backpack, where I don't go. I'm currently writing my feature film. No I'm not going to talk about it on the interwebs, do you think I'm insane?! Yeah, hey world, guess what I'm dedicating the next 5 years of my life to! Don't steal it or anything, but you guys woudn't do that, I trust you. Pffffffffffft. I think not.

I've been here two hours, and I find myself spending more time staring into the dregs of my coffee cup than writing voraciously. I have slight ADD like most humans do. (I believe.) I'm almost glad that my Internet connection keeps cutting out, so my attention isn't hogged by stumbleupon, it forces me to write. Even if I did get distracted by this blog, it's still important writing right? right?!

Well, I figure since I don't really have any stunning photography or any main point to this blog I'll talk about the things I love. When I watch a movie I'm going to post it, and my favourite things about it, and what I didn't like. Everyone's a critic, and now me too!!

Ps. If you haven't seen the movie, there will be spoilers. I'm going to talk about specific scenes and happenings of the movie.

Last night:


Overall, pretty good movie. Great art and costume design, nice fight choreography, and a well done portrayal of the fall of Troy. (If a bit historically inaccurate. But it's not a textbook, it's a fucking movie.)

Favourite Quote: "Everything is more beautiful because we are doomed." Troy to Briseis.

Favorite Character: it's gotta be Achilles. This has nothing to do with the actors, but the characters themselves. (so don't go saying I only like Achilles because of Brad Pitt) I'm a sucker for no holds barred warriors, and I mean come on, he's bad ass. Just think about how strong he has to be to fight like he does. The first fight scene where he slices right into the man's shoulder like it's butter?! Wicked. And of course his spear throws. They fly as straight and fast as if he were tossing darts. As much as I hate love stories, I actually liked the relationship between Troy and Briseis. (the princess chick he bones) No unneeded "I wuv you" or cheesy shit like "you had me at hello." Just two people bonding, and one good lovey-line. "You gave me peace in a time of war." (Until Briseis started whining about him going to fight her cousin, then she can fuck right off.)

^A character also worth noting was Achilles' mother. She's just sort of thrown in there, but not without point. Her words are some of my favourite, and it's obvious after she's talked to Achilles when he's staring off into the distance he's thinking. "Thousands and thousands eh?" (years of glory and pride that would carry his name.)

Least favourite character: (Paris) On the other hand of romance, I found the love between Paris (orlando bloom) and Helen (diane krueger) nauseating and angering. I know this cannot be completely blamed on the writers because that's the story, but my god, are those two kids dumb. I almost couldn't handle it. First Paris begs Helen to come with him to troy, then once they get there and have started this war, (which dooms his  brother, father AND city) he tries to convince her to ditch the city altogether. WTF?! Why not just peace straight out of Greece in the first place!? Although I wish they had left, because then we wouldn't have had to see Paris back out of his fight and cling to his brother's feet like the pussy he is. Some say this scene is really powerful because not all men were "ass-kicking heroes" back then, but if you have the courage to call someone to fight, and not only show up, but take a few hits, don't just go crawling back to your brother and let him do the dirty work once you know you've lost.

Favorite scene: as mentioned before, the first fight scene was a winner for me. It was well shot, well acted, and well executed. This was a great introduction to Achilles and his hard core attitude (minus his lazy ass getting out of bed), as well as his obvious defiance to his "king". I thought the scene had just the right amount of slow-mo, and the opposing guy took a believable amount of time to die.

Least favourite scene: Achilles death. OH MY GOD WAS I FUCKING PISSED OFF. First off, as if I didn't hate Paris enough, now that pansy douche gets to kill Achilles?! (and him and helen live!?) And his cousin, Achilles' lover, I mean props to her for killing the evil king but what the hell are you doing? After Achilles gets it in the heel, she just sits there for a few seconds then gives a huge "noooo" scream. As if she wouldn't freak out as soon as he gets hit. I mean she already sees her cousin before the first arrow, if he really was her love, she'd be up and in front of him or yelling more cohesive words at her cousin to stop him. Like "STOP, I LOVE HIM." or "WAIT LET ME TALK." or "ANYTHING MORE THAN NOOOOO." (again, I'm aware he had to die because that's the way it goes, but that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it!)

Favourite actor in the role: Smeh, no one really knocked it out of the park for me on this one. Brad Pitt had strong moments, as well as Garrett Hedlund. (what little role he had.) But if I had to say best and most consistent portrayal? Brendan Gleeson as Menelous. He embodied the character well, even if he wasn't in the movie for a huge amount of time.

Least favourite actor in the role: Man is it hard for me not to say Orlando Bloom. But, I really was convinced of his lack of confidence, and resolve. So my least favourite is Eric Bana, I just wasn't convinced. His on-screen presence was weak, and I didn't have any want to root for the underdog at all, and I didn't find his love for his wife convincing at all. (She on the other hand did pretty good.)

Favourite actor in general: (not related to this movie. just my favourite who happened to be in it.) Diane Kruger. Cool to see her and Brad Pitt together in this, then in Inglorious Basterds. (one of my faves)

Least favourite actor in general: Orlando bloom. I really really am not a fan of him. Nuh uh. no way. The only thing I can stand him in is LOTR. (notice the bow and arrows always? as well as if any movie goes back farther than the 1800's, you better fucking cast Orlando Bloom.)

DISCLAIMER: I am aware that I have absolutely no right to judge other people, but fuck it, these are my opinions. I'm not saying they're law, and I'm not saying you have to agree with them, and if you don't, feel free to make me look like an idiot and write why! OR if you do agree, lemme know! Write your own favorite characters, scenes or quotes.

Thanks for reading no one =) you're always my biggest fan.

Lillith Foxx.

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