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Blogmas - Favourite Bloggers of the Year

At the start of this year I didn't really promote my blog too much, well I did but no one ever saw it. I didn't have an Instagram for my blog, and I didn't really feel like I was part of a community. I actually felt quite isolated within my blog, I had always read about people who had friends within the community and wondered how on Earth it came about. I didn't follow many bloggers and no one knew about my blog but over the year I have made an effort within the blogging community.

Don't get me wrong, I most certainly am not as active as other bloggers but I have been trying. I started following fellow bloggers and I started to take part in blog share posts on Twitter which made all the difference. I started talking to people in the community and I started reading more blogs from other small bloggers, like myself, so today I wanted to take you through some of my favourites and I also thought I would share some of the products they have inspired. Usually I try to look for smaller bloggers to get product recommendations and this year has seen me purchase a lot of items based on reading people's blog posts. This is not an exclusive list, it is just people's blogs I check out all the time and some of the posts that have inspired me. There are a few more blogs I read but if I were to talk about them all, this post would take me until the end of the year so on that note, I will get started.

Foundations and Fairytales - Jess

Foundations and Fairytales
was one of the first blogs I discovered this year and I love that Jess covers a whole variety of topics. I really love her beauty reviews and I do enjoy her Disney posts. I am not a avid Disney fan but I appreciate it. I like Disney and I do occasionally buy Disney products but reading how much Jess loves Disney makes her posts so enjoyable to read.

One blog post that really sticks in my mind was her post about her Eyeshadow Palette Collection, more specifically the section about the Anastasia Beverly Hills Modern Reinassance Palette. I remember reading her post and seeing the pictures really made me want to get the palette which I did eventually buy earlier this year. Not only did she inspire my Anastasia Beverly Hills palette but more recently she has written a post about some Wet N Wild products so when I saw a stand of Wet N Wild products in Boots, I had to pick some up. If you are looking for a blogger who does great beauty reviews with a bit of Disney, you should definitely check out Foundations and Fairytales.

Inspo Post: My Eyeshadow Palette Collection

Sophie's Thoughts - Sophie

Not only does Sophie have a great name but she honestly takes some of the most beautiful pictures for her blog, I'm quite envious really, I wish I could do a flatlay like Sophie. Not only is the imagery on her blog stunning but she writes about so many amazing products, products which not everyone talks about. Recently she wrote a post on some Bobbi Brown Skincare and she made it sound so wonderful that I really wanted to try some. I have to give credit to the ASOS x Bobbi Brown Box as not too long after I had read Sophie's post ASOS did a collaboration box with Bobbi Brown so I managed to sample some of the skincare in this box and it did not disappoint. I have to say Sophie always has good product recommendations. She usually talks about slightly more high-end makeup so if you are looking for a trustworthy review of something slightly more expensive, have a look at Sophie's blog.

Inspo Post: Bobbi Brown Skincare

Chloe Elizabeth - Chloe

Chloe's blog is a slightly newer discovery but I love her writing. Chloe writes a little bit about everything: sometimes there is a travel piece, beauty, fashion but I really enjoy all of her content. I actually mentioned her blog in my November Favourites as during the Summer I had read a post she had written about dealing with dry skin, even though at the time it wasn't relevant for me, it is now. I bookmarked it and I have gone back to it as the weather had taken a turn. I usually end up with painfully dry skin on my hands but due to using some of the tips in this blog post, so far my skin is holding up pretty well. I love the variety of content on her blog and also her honesty with mental health.

Inspo Post: How to Look After Dry Skin

Cordelia Moor - Cordelia

I have been reading Cordelia's blog for a while and once again she has a real mix of content on her blog. I love her blog because she talks about a lot of beauty products I have an interest in, mostly I remember her Jeffree Star Liquid Frost Review. She gave a very thorough review and made me want to buy it even though I initially wasn't sure about it. More recently she wrote a post about Winter Skincare and she recommended some products that I am desperate to try, Ren Ready Set Glow I coming for you! Not only does Cordelia talk about beauty and skincare but also drag shows, mental health and music. I think her content is great and I love her blog layout as well.

Inspo Post: Jeffree Star Liquid Frost Highlighter

Life with Lynette - Lynette 

Lynette's blog is more of a lifestyle blog which gives me a great break from reading exclusively about beauty. At the moment Lynette is blogging all about her wedding planning and moving house so it is lovely to be able to see the things she has learnt through such a busy process. Even though I am definitely not at that stage of my life yet, I feel like she has a good insight into everything she writes about and she keeps me engaged. Also her hair is amazing. Her Christmas Night in Alone Essentials post has reminded me that even during a busy December I still need to take time for myself and make the most out of the Lush products I have treated myself to. If you want some good lifestyle content, check out Lynette's blog.

Inspo Post: Christmas Night in Alone Essentials

Bailey Leah - Bailey

I love Bailey's blog when I am looking for a good beauty read. Bailey posts new blog posts quite frequently about a variety of beauty products. Bailey was actually one of the bloggers who initially started talking about Blogmas and inspired me to give it a go this year. She did a post about some Urban Decay products she had won and I thought it was a great post about products I wouldn't have looked twice at in a store but after reading her blog post, I would now check them out. Not only is Bailey's blog great but she is always promoting on twitter. For someone to be that good at blogging at such a young age is incredible and I wish I had been that driven, at anything, when I was her age.

Inspo Post: Urban Decay First Impressions

Cardigan Jezebel - Megan

I believe I first found Megan's blog on Instagram and once again loved everything she wrote about. Back in October she wrote a post on the Alex Steinherr x Primark range, before I had tried it, but I was eager to find out what someone thought of the products before I tried them. This post was part of her Blogtober which I really enjoyed reading and now after taking on Blogmas I can appreciate how hard it must have been.

Not only does she have a great blog but I love her Instagram and more importantly, her Instagram Photo Challenges. I took part in her October challenge as I didn't feel my Instagram was very good and I was struggling with inspiration. Her photo challenge gave me direction. Plus it was actually really fun to do, I did want to do it for December but with everything I am already doing this Christmas I simply could not do it. I highly recommend checking the challenges out if you too are struggling with your Instagram.

Inspo post: Alex Steinherr x Primark First Impressions

These are not in any order, I've literally just spoken about people as I have thought of them. There are more blogs than this that I read but as I said at the beginning, if I were to list all of them I would never stop writing this post. I've never spoken about other bloggers before so I have no idea if I should have spoken to them before I wrote this post but I've done it now in hopes that they won't mind a small bit of promo. I seriously think everyone in this post deserves some recognition for all the hard work they put into their blogs and I hope some of you reading this have discovered some new blogs to look at. In the New Year I hope to discover more blogs I love and to continue to take part in the blogging community. If you are reading this and you have a blog, please leave a comment with your link, I would love to check it out!

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