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☕ Life Update July - August 2018: My Summer break.

And, after over a month of Summer break, I'm back to work!

Hello there! time for another life update. Going back to early July, it just felt as busy as this last week but, a LOT has changed.
July had one of the busiest weeks for us teachers because it started with our last week of school. We had to finish exams, complete grades, finish everything and prep for the end of the school year. It was stressful, yes but we survived. 
My Summer break was actually a little busier than expected, so happy about that! I went to a Studygram workshop with my friends to learn more about having pretty notes for the new school year. Also got reunited with my cousins, I was especially happy because I got to meet baby Luca and saw one of my cousins again after almost 10 years!!
Other than that I went out with friends to eat, have coffee, catch up and even do some sightseeing. I had some time to finish watching FMP! Invisible Victory which was really, really good!
But I feel that during that long break, my mind couldn't help to overthink a little and all these worries came to my mind making me feel a little emotiotional for a while. It helped me to write a very honest H2H that I'll leave here in case you wanna check it out. I also want to thank you guys for the kind and sweet feedback I got from it through different media, even from people who are not that close to me. ♡
And a few weeks before going back to work, I had some school meetings and training. I got to say the training was actually pretty interesting and it helped me a lot to learn more and new ways to work with my students. There are a lot of changes when it comes to work but, I think I'll talk more about them in a teacher chit chat sometime soon. (I don't want this to become a super duper long update)

Something I was really excited about was my friend Diana (aka Keisha) moving away to get her Master's degree. It's a big, new adventure in a new place and even tho we are going to miss her because she won't be living here for a whole year, I couldn't be more proud of her. Not only because of how hard she's been working for this, but also because of how brave she was to decide to go away on her own.

And well, I'm finally back to work, probably busier than ever but, always grateful for the opportunities I've been getting. It was a great Summer break but it is time to go back to reality~!!

Big love!

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