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Clarins Foot Beauty Treatment Cream

Summer is a time to pamper feet, keeping them sandal & flip flop ready.

Clarins new foot cream is a nice way to treat you and your feet. It's very moisturizing but not greasy. It sinks in pretty fast. It has no scent really, and is recommended to be massaged into the feet hitting some of the reflexology points.

So far I've used it mostly in the heel area, and I like the softness after it's sunk in. Like most people my feet take a beating in summer so giving them a boost is a must. It's great that it has myrrh for the nails as well.

Ingredients include:

-Virgin Cashew Nut Oil restores suppleness to skin.
- Shea Butter smoothes away roughness, while nourishing skin.
- Arnica helps feelings of fatigue and swelling.
- Myrrh strengthens and beautifies nails.
-Laponite® powder absorbs dampness.

Retail is $ 25.00 for 4.4 oz

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